Jack is already 8 months old and barely started sitting on his own a couple weeks ago. He's kind of a lazy baby but I'm SO ok with that right now. He gets a helmet for his head in about 3 weeks. He's a little flat on the back left side of his head so a little helmet treatment for the next couple of months is the plan. He'll look a little funny but hey, better now than later and it will be in perfect timing for halloween season! Plus it will keep his head warm this winter cause he sure doesn't have enough hair right now!
Cooper is one heckuva funny guy. He really likes to push buttons....no not the electronic ones anymore. Mom and Dads buttons. But it's just so dang funny the hard part is trying not to laugh when we really should be teaching him something is wrong.... He is super energetic and loves to dance. He eats a sandwich and apples with peanut butter just about every day for lunch. He wakes up about 2-3 times per night and tries to come in our bed. That my friends, I do not laugh at. It's something we're trying to figure out still. We have bags under our eyes but we sure are happy with these two little boys of ours.
I am currently helping out at Klahowya HS with their volleyball program this fall. I have opted out of coaching club this next year in anticipation of being overloaded with Decclo. We are excited for this venture in our lives and we feel so blessed to be able to take a shot with this.
Well, there's the update. Look again in a month. just kidding, kind of :)