Friday, December 5, 2008

Time for the countdown....

....Well kinda sorta I guess. I know once you get the little guy you can't give him back so I'm enjoying my sleep and my one on one time with Cooper while it lasts. I do however have just over one month left until thing #2 arrives. Still no names yet. I think I'll put up a poll of a couple of names we can't decide on and I won't tell you anyone's favorites so there's no bias at all. His first name will for sure be John (Both my dad's and my father-in-law's name)'s the middle name he'll go by that we're stuck on.

We bought another crib and set that up in Coops room a couple of weeks ago. I have to get a carseat....and a couple of other small necessities but we're pretty much as ready as we can be. You know how when it was just you to worry about getting ready and being somewhere on time?? That was easy right? Then the first kid comes along and it takes a long time to figure out how to be on time again. Well I just started to get back into punctuality and I'm about to get all screwed up again....all for good reason though I guess. It's amazing to me how much a mom has to plan ahead just to get to church on time....It will probably be easier to figure it out this second time around.

Only time will tell right?


Jeff and Carol said...

Don't worry Rach, having two is actually more fun then having just one. You're a great Mom, you'll figure things out. :)

Rachel Holloway said...

HOORAY, HOORAY!!! I Can't believe your new little guy is coming so soon!!! I can't wait to see him and hear what name you choose. :)

You'll adjust soon after. Not much choice, really. :) Just give yourself credit for the baby steps on getting into a smooth routine. Makes a world of difference!

Angela said...

I'm so excited for you guys to have another one I can't wait to see him! But I'm sure you feel the same way! Having two hasn't been too bad...and as for time it only takes a little longer with two than it did with one. I always put Carson in his seat for breakfast and get Callin ready for church while he eats, but it will take some time to get used to it. Two just makes life more fun and more entertaining...I can even get a nap most days if I really need don't worry too much you are a great mom!

Mrs. Wallace said...

Rachel, I'm so excited for you to have another baby!!! That's so exciting, we're expecting another one too. We just found out do we have a long time to go, but we are so excited, and the kids constatly talk to my belly and give it kisses-it's so cute. I'm so glad I found your blog, fb is still a bit confusing and busy for me. Are you guys in Seattle? If so when did you go? You have such a beautiful family!

Stacey Jensen said...

I am really excited to have another nephew. Tell Jake he will have to do lunch/dinner on his own this time. Sorry, you are just too far away. If I were there I would totally take Coop while you guys were at the hospital. Alas, you are there and I am still here in the frozen depths of ...... well you know. I like the names Lucas and Brady. I would have said Stacey but since I don't want a nephew with my name I will vote for the other two. Love you guys so much.