Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Sweet Little Boy

For those of you who don't know, Cooper turned two last wednesday.  Cooper was born on my sister Paige's birthday so they get to share from now on.  Last week we had a pool party at my mom's.  The party consisted of Cooper, Jack, Paige, me, my mom and a little blow-up pool in the front yard.  It was so much fun.  It was about 90 degrees outside that day.  We put up some streamers and balloons in the house and made a cupcake cake of an alligator.  That night the Frys came to join us and we opened presents.   By then it had been a very long day for Cooper without a nap so he wasn't so much fun to be around.  He was not very excited when I basically had to force him to open presents.  We saved "the big one" for last and by then he was flat out ticked at me.  The last one was the bball hoop (pronounced "bachetball" by Cooper).  He had tears opening it up that day but he hasn't stopped playing!  Cooper is so spoiled, he got lots of great gifts. I still don't know why we get him so many toys when we all know he is quite content with some rocks and a stick.

Cooper has a doctor's appointment next week so I don't know his current stats for height and weight but I can tell you lots of other fun things about him.

-loves to help empty the dishwasher
-loves to undo pretty much anything I do and he thinks he's being helpful. For example, when I fold laundry he likes to unfold it.
-talks all the time now.  My favorite things he says is bless you (when someone sneezes), i NEED more!, nock (milk), bachetball (basketball), noo-nos (noodles), I wa go owside (i wanna go outside), la doo (love you) plus many many more.  I am excited to start a little thing on the side of our blog with funny things he says.
-he knows the way to both grandparents house and lets me know when I'm not going the right way (like when we are going into town and I don't make the turn for mimi's house)
-I can get him to go ANYWHERE if I tell him to march
-loves baths and showers
-favorite thing to eat is apples and peanut butter
-loves to read books
-loves his cars, he usually takes one to bed with him
-has been in a big boy bed since January and is really good with it now

Cooper has got to be one of the most energetic kids I've EVER seen.  He is hilarious and keeps us on our toes.  I love that he'll try just about anything, it's scary now but that attitude will pay off later :)  He is a daddy's boy for sure and him and Jake are two peas in a pod.  We love our Cooper and we are so excited for his third year!!!


Angela said...

Cooper is getting so big! I'm glad he had a good birthday! Two is such a fun age! Carson keeps me lauging all the time. I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt...she sounds like a really special lady. I'd love to come visit you guys, and get away from the Vegas heat, but I'm not sure I'm up for a vacation by myself with two babies. We are going to be in Boise in a couple weeks...if you happen to be driving through :) We might even do a little preliminary house hunting (we should be moving there sometime in the next year...if all works out, but we are hoping to buy a house by december 1 to get in on the $8,000 tax credit) ...When we are closer we are going to make the drive over there for sure!

Scott and Stacia said...

Happy Birthday Cooper! He sure is cute...I love him with your glasses on.

Rachel said...

Stacia probably wont read this but i HAVE to clear one thing up, that is not me in a bathing suit on my blog. That's my sister paige. Catch a full pic of me in a bathing suit on my blog and I'll pay you $1000 :) aka, those days are over.....

Tiffani said...

Happy Birthday Cooper! I didn't realize that he turned two. What a big boy. He is such a cute little guy.

Laura said...

He is super cute! He still looks so much like you and his hair is getting light like Jake's. What a proper wee man he is!

Happy Birthday Goober!