Sunday, July 19, 2009

A little stressed

Shoot me. Jack will just not stop crying. Is this some sort of Karma payback from my childhood?


Tiffani said...

Weren't we JUST talking about this very thing. I think I jinxed you!

Jeff and Carol said...

Poor little man. :(
Poor Mommy too!!

Downtown Browns said...

So you probably already tried this but I'll say it anyway. Is he teething? I usually put Orajel and give Tylenol or Motrin. It always helps when mine are crying. If he is teething this is the most painful time before the teeth poke through.
If he has a sore throat, the Orajel will help numb it too. I hate this time because you can't ask what's hurting!!! Sorry!!!

Scott and Stacia said...

Hang in there!! It is the worst when you can't figure it out and you feel so helpless and frustrated! If the teething meds dont work try...gas drops. I can't believe how much they helped Jacen when he was a baby. PS just realized that Jack shares my birthday...too fun!! (I was trying to figure out how old he was and looked back on your posts :) )

Downtown Browns said...

I forgot about gas drops. They helped Co Co a lot!!!! Also, my nephew has been crying a lot because of constipation. Could that be it. It's all about the prunes baby food or prune juice!!:)

Rob said...

Yes -- love you, Dad.