Saturday, March 26, 2011

I could but I won't...although I probably will.

Has it really been nearly six months? Do you know how much happens in six months in our lives? Well I could tell you but I won't bore you. In a nutshell, the last post was about going to the pyrex museum in Bremerton. I found out that morning that I was growing a human again. We told people a few weeks later, when the sickness set in. I also was hired at Harrison Medical Center right around that time too. I work in registration in the emergency department and labor and delivery. Jake also started a new job (while still running his businesses) working for Dr. Brad Frandsen as a business developer for Sound Medical Research. I guess the only thing that didn't change was our address....although that's probably changing sometime later this year. After three years here, we will be moving into Jake's grandparents house sometime this fall.

That was about as summarized as I could make it.

Currently, I have about 10 weeks or so left of being pregnant. Don't worry, you didn't miss much other than IT'S A GIRL! Is it weird that I haven't bought her one single outfit yet?! I have however been purchasing some fabrics for some fun girly sewing projects. The boys are very excited. Every time Cooper sees anything baby related he asks me if we're getting that for our baby or if we're getting a baby like that, etc. He is a way funny kid these days. Example: The other day I was reading him a Berenstein Bears book and he said to me (stone cold faced), "Mom, I thought bears couldn't get dressed or talk." Welp, you're absolutely right Cooper. He's seriously hilarious. Jack has all of a sudden become a new person it seems. He's talking all the time, I mean ALL the TIME. I wonder if all that time that he never said anything and just played "the observer" he was actually scheming all these one liners he'd spit out his first couple weeks of talking just to freak us all out!

I've had a strong impression to get back to this blog. It got to the point where I felt like a dweeb for even trying to post something since it had been so long. Well here we go again....I'm going to work hard at keeping this the one constant thing in my life :)


seven said...

Sounds like life is fun a busy! I;m every excited for you and your new bay girl!!

Rachel Holloway said...

I've been thinking about you a lot lately, actually! Wondered what you were up to, so it's fun to read! A GIRL!? SOOO much fun! And I am so happy for you! :)

Michelle said...

Congrats on your little girl and upcoming move. Big changes, how exciting! :-)

The McKee's said...

I am so excited for you guys!!! I hope the last 10 weeks go well!