Monday, December 10, 2007

We're Moving!

Jake and I are both graduating on Friday the 14th.  It is a bittersweet feeling for the both of us.  It feels like we've been waiting forever to get to this point but now that it's actually here we are feeling more sad to leave each day.  We packed up half of our place on Saturday and have some more to do but it's just so hard tearing down what we made our home while in Rexburg.  

Yesterday was our last day in the 11th ward and let me tell you, I should have just brought a box of tissue with me!  As we met with the Bishop for the last time Jake and I both were emotional about this ending of a chapter.  Don't get us wrong...we're super excited for what's to come, it is just too bad that everyone eventually will graduate and leave.  But as we leave this next weekend, we're leaving with some wonderful relationships and lifelong friendships that we developed while we were here.  The main reason for starting this blog is to keep in touch with all those people we have truly grown to love.  So please, check up on us often, share this blog with friends we haven't been able to contact!  We love you guys and we love Rexburg, ID...our first home :)


Laura said...

Yay for graduating but BOOO for leaving me!
I'm so excited that you get to take off and make a new home for yourselves and be grown-up adults. I'm glad that our husbands abandonded us last summer because I made a best friend through it. I love you Fry's and can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Laura said...

Take Luck is perfect!

The Calls said...

Oh I'm so sad you guys are leaving! But we can probably hang out on the holiday's when we go up to Auburn to visit my family. Thanks for being a great visiting teacher and going out of your way to befriend me, I really needed that this semester. Good luck with every thing, well, with life out on your own!;)

Stacey Jensen said...

I love you guys so much and am very sad you are leaving. I am excited you are headed to the next stage of life but will miss you terribly. Remember if you are ever here you always have a place to stay. We love you and hope you will always know how much of an impact you have had on our lives.