Monday, March 8, 2010

On your marks....

Post race pic with Jack
I did it. I did the 5k. Now I have to bump up the mileage? Don't know if I'm ready for that but I sure had a lot of fun running in my first ever 5k race this last weekend. I went with friends Tiffani, Angela and Nina. We all did well and felt great for doing it. I was worried about the weather (which turned out to be beautiful) and about running hills (since I train mainly at home on a treadmill). There was no clock for the race but I think I ran it somewhere between 26-29 minutes, probably more like 27-28. Then they announced top finishers in each age division, and would you guess what? I finished third in the 20-24 age division and got a water bottle! My sweet hubbs kept the boys entertained and I had a really good time. It wasn't very far, but it was an accomplishment for me. I need to go get myself signed up for a 8k or 10k now. (Don't know how in the world I'll ever get to 13 miles for the half marathon in June.....)

Running the last 1/4 mile...Is it just me or do I look freakishly long in this pic?

My boys, patiently waiting.


The Frandsens said...

Way to go! I am so impressed with all of you ladies

Stacey said...

It's not just look freakishly long in that picture ;) congrats rach!

Carrie said...

Oh yay!!! Congrats!! Before you know it a 10k will be nothing! But I here once you get to 9 miles 13 is a piece of cake...not there yet. I remember the first time I did a 10k it was easier than I thought it would be. Just keep up the good work you're doing awesome!!!

Scott and Stacia said...

Great job!! 3rd place is awesome!!