Saturday, May 29, 2010


.....where did I leave off?

Well my sister, Paige, told me today that I'm not a blogger anymore. Well I guess that's true if the said blogger's hiatus has been since *ahem* March.

Holy crap.

Here are my excuses.....or.....reasons:
-I'm lazy
-I wasn't even fb updating so....give me a break.
-I've been training for a race people!!! (well as a tiny update I didn't run for a month after that 5k, but I'm proud to say that as of today I'm up to 8 miles. So suck it.)
-Jake's screen printing business is in FULL swing and I'm a little involved in that
-the decclo website is seriously almost done (but how many times do you want to hear that....really....)
-I was on the committee for planning a relief society retreat that happened last week. The committee happened to consist of me and two of my closest friends. You can probably guess that the planning meetings typically went a little longer than expected.
-I got a new calling at church, it keeps me kinda busy. (Primary pres.)
-a couple of weeks ago we stayed with some family friends 5 children (and we brought our two along with us) for 4 days. THAT was crazy.
-we've been experimenting with creating a front to come
-I've been getting crafty and it has involved lots of time shopping at Goodwill, St Vins and old lady estate to come on that also.

Do I really need to think of more excuses? Please forgive me and continue to read. I will try not to disappoint for at least a couple more months.

Funny story today: You know when you're in a store and someone comes over the intercom and announces in "that tone" that parents need to keep their children with them and you wonder who would let their child run around and cause trouble enough for an employee to make that announcement? That neglectful parent was me. I really didn't think that playing a ginormous horn type of thing would cause so much trouble. He wasn't breaking anything was he? Sheesh.


Parri said...

Yes, you are a slacker, but so am I. I have been checking back often for an update. Glad you are back!

Tiffani said...

Well I have to say that you definitely have some good excuses. busy girl you are. I'm excited to see the crafty ideas. You're so creative like that. And geez girl - up to 8 miles?! I'm impressed.

Michelle said...

Whoa, Rachel, you're a busy lady! Fun to catch up with your fam, Jack is adorable! :-)

Kathleen said...

ya, you are the busiest person I know...
I just posted pics on our blog from the Father and Sons...Cooper is in one of them (not playing a horn, hehehe)