Sunday, August 7, 2011

The week it hit the fan.

The crap vs. the fan----
: The Gormans kick off Beach week in VA without us.
-Tuesday: I can't even remember if that day existed for me.
-Wednesday: The kids embarrassed me at the store and I cried in front of a lot of people, Jake closed down Decclo and our house was broken into and robbed by JJ.
-Thursday: Spent all day on the phone trying to protect our bank accounts, credit, email, etc. Also dropped $300 on getting the cars re-keyed.
-Friday: Found out that Harrison Medical Center is re-bidding all Registration Department shifts starting from the top of the seniority list. There are 43 positions, 44 employees in the department and I'm number 42.

Why I still love my life----
: I got caught up on SYTYCD and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. And I skyped with my family in VA.
-Tuesday: I seriously can't remember that day.
-Wednesday: I wasn't at home when JJ decided to pay a visit, I saw The Zookeeper that night with the Frys and had a sleepover at their house.
-Thursday: Made a lovely dinner for the Frys, comfort food of course, home made mac-n-cheese with salad and juicy grapes.
-Friday: Went to the Zoo and started over with beautiful, new pictures of my kids. Cooper also said to me, "Mom, you know that guy who broke my door?" yeah.... "Why did he do that?"'s a bad man Coop.... "Oh, wellllllll, I'm gonna kill that man." This is when the "killing is bad" conversation commenced, right after I laughed at Cooper and his very serious face.


Bruce the Bird Dog said...

Why I love your life:
1. You and your eternal family are beautiful
2. Your kids' comments crack me up
3. Even though I don't know you well, I can tell you are a good, honest, hard-working mom, and I respect that.
Hang in there!

Scott and Stacia said...

HOLY CRAP!!! I am so sorry about all the awful news. Hang in there and stay positive (if that is possible).

Muffin said...

Wow! That's amazing! And oh so lucky you weren't there when it happened. When I was about 8 or 10 yrs old our house was robbed. Me and my older sister weren't feeling well and wanted to stay home from Church, but our mom made us go. I'm so glad we did. And you're right, it's the most creepy feeling, coming home to a house that has been broken into.

So sorry to hear this happened to you. I hope you can get back on your feet again soon!