Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Moon Partay!!!!

Some of you have bought tickets for the Friday showing of New Moon at 7pm at Silverdale 4 cinemas.

If you haven't already, go and do it!!!.....Because we're having a party and you're invited.

My house
5:00pm- a little after 6 then we will carpool
Bring a small plate of hors d'oeuvres to share!
Drinks will be provided


Leave a comment or message me on fb so I can be sure of a headcount. (Even if you've already told me...)


The one who accidentally burped in your face said...

Oooh EXCITING! I'm going opening night for my birthday. Yeah. Nerdy!

Check out the tshirt my friend Lindsay designed for us to wear. Spread the link about ;)

The one who accidentally burped in your face said...

Oops, that's from me, Laura... wrong account.

Shirley said...

Erin and I are going Thursday night at midnight!

Cole said...

Dress in a ladies night kind of way or more of a ready to be seduced by a vampire sort of way?

Kathleen said...

I'll be there...can't wait!