Only in Seattle
A couple weeks ago, I talked with both the Freedom From Religion Foundation and with Metro Transit about FFRF's anti-religion bus campaign they're running this Christmas season.
As I said on the show, I don't blame FFRF for its campaign. they're athiests - doing what athiests do.
I do, however, blame Metro Transit for allowing this campaign. Now that the busboards have hit the streets, many of my Christian listeners have contacted me about how offensive this campaign is to them.
One listener sent me a photo of a busboard that I have seen all over the streets the last week or so.
I continue to believe that there is no way Metro would ever allow a campaign that is so offensive towards blacks... towards gays... towards hispanics, Asians, transsexuals, or hermaphrodites.
But our government-run transit agency has no problem with a campaign that targets people of faith. The last acceptable targets of government-endorsed bigotry.
Only in Seattle.
This just totally and completely ticks me off. I'm about to go on a rant and I don't care if I sound juvenile. It's just not fair that these people can go and do this. If I wanted to buy space on that bus with a big 'ol Aladdin cartoon and have him saying, "Sorry Muhammad, there is no Allah," or a fluffy Troll Doll saying, "It is YOUR choice to be gay, you weren't BORN that way," there would be riots in the streets of Seattle in no time at all. Why then can they express using an image of ST. NICK that there is no God but last year they stopped others from displaying a nativity at the state capitol? Why do they have every right, but I do not have mine? Where are we going wrong here? I love this beautiful state of WA but more often than not it is tickin' me off. It doesn't come down to whether or not your are liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, male, female, asian, black, christian or not. THIS IS WRONG!
There, I'm done.
1 comment:
I totally agree. I wrote a blog post on something similar titled Hate Crimes. You're absolutely right, if there was something said against Gays, Blacks etc...the opposing side would be fined for a "hate crime" but people who fight against religion (for example Gays protesting against Mormon's for not accepting same gender marriage) aren't fined a thing. It is an extremely backwards society we are living in. Those who stand of for morals and rights are being pushed to the side while sin prevails. You should read the BYU-Idaho address Elder Oaks gave!!
Ok, well I think I've ranted enough, and it's just a comment...
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