Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Best Three Years of My Life!

Today is our anniversary and can I just say these last three years have definitly been the best of my life...by far. Many of you know our story but I'll just give a nutshell version of it for those who don't.
In January of 2005 I got an email from Jake, a former co-worker of mine and someone who was in my stake growing up. The email said something like, "Hey this is Jake, I heard you were looking for me :) I am in town for the next 24 hours and I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight? ...Give me a call."
That fall my mom had asked his parents when he'd be home for Christmas break. We had found out that he was coming home for a brief visit before heading down to Mexico for an 8 month internship with DelSol. So....I wrote it off early and didn't expect to see him so you can imagine my surprise to open up that email. We went out that night for a couple of hours and got hot chocolate while Jake showed me pictures of his trip down to South America with his brother Matt that they had just come home from. While out on the date he was telling me all about where they were going to live in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and invited me to come down sometime and visit. Sounded like a pretty casual invite....something I was totally for but never thought would actually happen. That night I came home...after my curfew...and wasn't even in trouble. The next morning my mom came into my room all giddy to wake me up and ask me how it went. I don't recall the whole conversation except for the part when I jokingly said I was going to marry him :)
I told her all about Mexico and she was like...Why don't you go!? I was like...What? You would let me do that? She was all for it...that week my friends Corie, Louise and I bought our tickets to Cabo for 8 days in March for spring break. Between then and the trip Jake and I kept in contact mostly by email while he helped us figure out accomadations and other details of the trip. He asked me in February if I would hang out with his friend Brandon who was coming home from his mission and probably wouldn't have many friends at home. So Brandon and I started to spend some time together, went out on some dates and made a little thing out of it I guess you could say.... Don't blame me for anything all you judges out there....I was 19 :)
To keep this as short as possible, I went to Cabo kind of dating Brandon and I came back...well....not dating Brandon :) About a month later, after Jake and I had our nightly "internet chat dates" and expensive phone calls....Jake came home for about a week to transfer to Cancun. He got home on a Thursday night. I saw him right after my classes Friday and we spent the whole weekend together. He proposed Tuesday April 19th and midnight so I guess it was the 20th....we had Wednesday together then he left Thursday morning to come back on the 14th of August for our sealing on the 19th.
WHOA I know. But look what it's all turned into. We are the very best of friends still and have a beautiful, vibrant, hilarious little boy and another on the way. Life isn't exactly as I pictured it 5 years ago but I know that I couldn't possibly ask for more.


Angela said...

Happy Anniversary to you too! I love your story! Its amazing to me how well life has turned out for us even though I like you didn't plan it out this way! Hey we should talk soon...I'll give you a call one of these days!

Laura said...

Happy Anniversary! You two are some of my absolute favorite people. I think you were made for eachother :) I love you guys.

Rachel Holloway said...

HAPPY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I love this time of year and seeing everyone's anniversary posts...so fun! You guys are a great couple!

Alisha said...

Happy Anniversary! I liked your story, thanks for sharing!

Scott and Stacia said...

What a fun story! I don't think I had ever heard it. You guys are so cute! Happy Anniversary!!