Tuesday, August 12, 2008

John Adams

So Jake and I have been watching this HBO John Adams series that my parents have been getting on netflix and it has been so good! It's nice to "get to know" someone like John Adams and the others involved in the formation of this country that we live in. Everyone knows the readers digest version of America's independence but this series has been so educational and entertaining.

There was a part in the movie where John Adams is leaving his family for a little while and asked his daughter what she needed to remember. She said, "Be good. Do good." I really liked that so I looked it up and found that L.M. Heroux said it and THAT is how I decided to change our blog title. What a few simple words that you could really live your life by.


Angela said...

nice words of wisdom for us all to live by. So I've totally slacked off lately and I should have emailed you weeks ago to tell you congrats about boy #2! We are so excited for you guys! Cooper is going to love having a little bro! So how are you feeling??? Hopefully we will talk to you soon!!

Jeff and Carol said...

Hey, I heard you guys were in 4th ward. We should get out kiddos together sometime and have them play!! :)

Richard and McKenna said...

Rachel!! I just found your blog from a friend of a friend (haha)! I have been wanting to watch that HBO special for a while but haven't gotten the time to start. Good to hear you like it. Hope all is well :)

Laura said...

That was so weird seeing this on my google reader. You changed the blog name and so I didn't know who it was and then the title was John Adams - Stuart's uncle... How bizarre.
We're getting ready to head down to Oregon for a few days then we'll come back for a few more and then we'll be off to Disneyland for a week THEN we'll have 2 days to get packed for Rexburg. I'm really sad we didn't get to see you guys this summer :(

KabulArchitect said...

I found your blog while searching for info on the quote, Be Good Do Good. Would you believe, I am LDS too? Some people on your list of friends have familiar names, like the Frandsens. I live in Kansas City MO as do my Frandsen friends.

Like you, I recently saw the HBO miniseries and was smitten with this motto. I intend to make sure my kids repeat it each day before they head off to school, etc.

God bless your family-