Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What? Bee stings should actually sting??

Yesterday Cooper was stung by a bee while we were at G&G Frys playing outside. No one was around him when it happened but he went up to John and Kris and showed them his thumb and said who knows what (they probably remember, I might need to edit this later) and it appeared that he had been stung by a bee on his thumb. No crying, no whimpering, just wonderment (is that a word?) from a little two year old who is constantly trying to catch bees and finally did just that yesterday. 

(pictures and stories coming soon from our VA trip)


Cole said...

Ugh.... I've had a rash of run ins with the stinger end lately.

Micah said...

What a brave boy! I would have been crying. LOL!

The Frandsens said...

I love your main picture, your boys are getting so big! And I agree, I also would've been crying...he must be a tough kid!

The McKee's said...

Poor boy. Kaitlyn got stung on her lower eye lid, almost in the corner of her eye on Saturday. Her eye, nose, and that side of her face looks horrible. Those mean bees!