Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well sorry to tell ya but this post is going to be about running.

For the first time in my entire life I ran 4 miles in less than 40 minutes. It's a run like tonight that makes me feel like maybe I'll be able to one day run 13 miles. Tomorrow morning... probably not so much. My hips, knees and ankles are going to need a LOT more strengthening. My joints are so sore the day after I run. I think I might need some new running shoes pretty soon. I don't love the way my current ones feel, plus they're getting kind of old.....

And I might need to do some underwear testing for the big day to eliminate as much "riding up" as I can. No one wants to see me pullin' that out for 13 miles that's for sure.

To sum it up, most days I gripe about having to get a run in. Today I kinda wanted to. (could the addiction be kicking in? That would be nice!) Right now at this moment I'm excited for all of this!!!!


(Not bad for a 100th post!!!...Cheers!)


Megan & Brandon said...

Thats awesome Rachel! I am so not there yet. I took 4 days off while we went to visit Brandon's brother and now I feel like I am starting over again. Plus I got a blister so that slowed me down. I am not focusing so much on time as just making sure I can finish the race. I think maybe after my first race then I will start trying to beat that time. But for now I just want to finish it doing like 9 to 11 min miles which is just average.

Sounds like you are on the right path....reading your post makes me want to go run!

Stacey said...

Wow! That is AWESOME!!! That's less than 10 min a mile! You're makes me want to run.