Saturday, January 2, 2010


It's officially here and I am super duper excited. I have a feeling about twenty-ten. Along with many others I want to make a list. Not all of them are probably super realistic but they are most definitely possible. I feel like I need to bring in the second century of my life with a bang this year and I will do that by living like I've never lived before. I want to do new things, play more games, see new places, meet new people, etc.

My list, which will of course be a continuing work:

1. Go to Mt. Rainier and hike around
2. Go to a sunny warm sandy beach
3. Write atleast every other day on my blog
4. Bake bread more often
5. Take the kids to the Seattle Zoo
6. Take the kids camping
7. Take a road trip...maybe to California?
8. Plan meals
9. Read the Book of Mormon, maybe twice.
10. Learn to play the piano again
11. Be able to watch icky dental procedures without getting knots in my stomach
12. Write letters to my grandparents
13. Go to a Sounders game. I want to see what all the fuss is about :)
14. Take the kayak out a couple times
15. Teach Cooper lots of things like letters, numbers, colors, sounds, shapes, etc.
16. Be more patient and kind
17. Plant flowers
18. Exercise and be in shape
19. Run a half-marathon, or maybe just start out with a 10K (baby steps)

To be continued...


Laura said...

YES! I can't wait to see you achieve these things AND roadtrip to California... YEEEEESSSS!! Do that one first!

Rachel Holloway said...

I just love that you are blogging more! I know I haven't been able to stop in and comment much (been Christmas break and have trying to be with my family more!!) but I love hearing from your corner of the world! :)

Stoddard Family said...

Hey we can help out with number 2 on your list! Come visit us!! Sounds like a fun list! Can't wait to hear about all your adventures of 2010!

Angela said...

Hey if a road trip to California doesn't work out...theres always Idaho...not as warm but we'd treat you right!!