Monday, January 4, 2010

Sweet Baby Jack

One year ago my sweetest Jack was born.

Holy fastest year of my life.

Anyways, although it was a super fast year, we sure didn't miss a second watching our little babe grow. Jack has been such a joy in our lives. He cuddles, even when he isn't sick. That boy could be held all day long and he'd be okay. When we first brought him home we had a super cold spell with the weather so I used that as an excuse to have him sleep in my bed with me and crank the heat up in our room. He stayed in our room for about 4 months (I think?) then it was time to put him in with Cooper. That's about how long it took for Cooper to be ok with the idea of having Jack around permanently.

How could you not be okay with a face like that?!

Our plan was to have them close so they'd be buddies. It's finally starting to be that way! They are starting to play together a lot. And even though Cooper picks on Jack non-stop, Jack just follows him everywhere and watches his every move. I love my two boys :)

Jack will eat anything you put in front of him. He is a bottomless pit. He can recognize the clanking of silverware on a plate and will come crawling faster than you can get the first bite in. I don't know that I've gone once without sharing a meal with Jack as long as he's nearby. Because of this, his nickname is "Chancho".

The helmet made his cheeks that much chubbier.

We love our Jack and his cute little face. He's a pleaser and likes to make us laugh. He is a very observant little boy so we must watch ourselves now that he's picking up all sorts of tricks.

Black icing on a first birthday cake: One of the best ideas I've ever had.

We thank our lucky stars and our Father in Heaven everyday for this special boy and hope for more boys like him and Cooper in the future.


Tiffani said...

He really is the cutest. I can't believe he's one already! Happy Birthday Jack!

Sydney said...

Awww. Happy Birthday, sweet Jack! ♥

Angela said...

Holy Moly!! I cannot believe he is one already!! Happy Birthday Jack!!

Nathan and Rebekah said...

Happy Birthday Jack! They grow so fast!

Em and TJ said...

NO WAY! He's already 1?? Holy cow! Happy Birthday Jack! I love to see messy birthday cake faces..they are the best:)